
Waiter: Can I take your order?
Guest A:I need another minute.

Waiter: Would you like something to drink first?

Guest A:Yes. I'd like a glass of orange juice.

Waiter: Small or large?

Guest A:Large, please.

Waiter: And, for the lady?

Guest B:Please bring me a cup of coffee.


A: Do you know where it is?
B: I don't know the address.

A: Do you know how to get there? 
B: I can give you directions.


A: Tell me where to go.
B: I'll guide you as we go.

A: I'm not sure about the street names. 
B: I'll drive. You direct. 


A: Where do you want to go? 
B: I'll direct you.

A: Let me know when to turn. 
B: No problem. 

I can't tell you the address. 

I can't 5)pronounce the street names. 




AIt's ringing!
Jerry, can you answer the phone?

I'm having a shower.

O.K., I'll get it. 


ring 這個字本身當名詞用時,指的是「(電話、電鈴或是鐘的)聲響」,當動詞用時,則為「響」或是「打電話給」。在此,「電話響了」就簡單地用 It's ringing! 來表達。而 it 在此所代表的則是「電話」,也就是指 The phone is ringing! (電話響了!)。


It's ringing!(電話響了!)
Could you answer the phone?

I'll get it! 我來接(電話)!May I speak to Janet, please?(請幫我接珍妮?)

Please connect me with Jason.(請幫我接傑生。)Could you put me through to Mr. Smith? (麻煩請史密斯先生聽電話?)

Is Jason available?(傑生在嗎?)Is Jason there?(傑生在嗎?) Speaking.(我就是。)

Is that you?(是你嗎?)I just tried to call you.(我正想打電話給你。)

Who is this?(您是哪一位?)It's David here.(我是大衛。)

I've been expecting your call.(我一直在等你的電話。)What can I do for you?(有什麼需要我服務的嗎?)

I'm calling about my broken-down car. (我打來是詢問我出了毛病的車子。)Is it O.K. for you to talk now? (你現在方便講電話嗎?)

Please hold.(請稍候。)Could you hold the line?(你可以稍等一下嗎?)

Please don't hang up.(請不要掛斷電話。)I'll put him on the phone.(我來讓他接聽電話。)

I'm afraid he isn`t here right now. (我想他現在不在吧。)He's just stepped out.(他剛出去了。)

She's not at her desk. (她現在不在位子上。)He's tied up at the moment. (他現在忙得不可開交。)

He is in a meeting right now.(他現在在會議中。)He can't come to the phone right now. (他現在不方便接聽電話。)

Would you like to talk to someone else? (讓別人來接聽電話好嗎?)Do you know when she will be back? (你知道她什麼時候會回來嗎?)

She'll be back in 20 minutes. (她二十分鐘後會回來。)Could you call back a little later? (您要等會兒再打來嗎?)

I've been on hold for a long time! (我在電話中等很久了。)I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. (對不起讓您久等了。)

Thank you for holding.(謝謝您等這麼久。)I can't hear you very well.(我聽不清楚你說什麼。)

The reception is really bad here. (這裡的收訊很差。)Could you speak up a little? (你能不能講大聲一點?)

Could you say that again?(你能再說一遍嗎?)I'll get someone to help you.(我請別人來接聽。)

May I ask who's calling?(請問您哪裡找?)Would you like to leave a message? (您要留言嗎?)

Should I give him a message? (要我留言給他嗎?)Could I have him call you back? (您要我請他回你電話嗎?)

Tell her to call Jason.(請她回電話給傑生。)Could you tell him that Jason called? (能不能告訴他傑生找他?)

Have her give me a call.(請她打電話給我。)Does he have your number ? (他有你的(電話)號碼嗎?)

My number is 729-3456.(我的電話號碼是729-3456。)I'll give him the message.(我會留言給他的。)

I'll call back later.(我等會兒再打來。)I left a message on her voice mail. (我在她的語音信箱裡留了言。)


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