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  • Oct 07 Thu 2010 01:29
  • 宵夜

最先是homemade dumplings 害我半夜掛急診,而且是連二個禮拜的周末夜晚,最令我印象深刻。

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過你自己的人生,好過模仿他人過完美的人生。   薄伽梵歌  古印度瑜伽文獻

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  • Jul 27 Sun 2008 23:30
  • 雨季


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...was exceptionally clear and simple. A stronger, safer, more profitable world through uncorruptible top-level management. (清廉的高層行政人員)We turst you with our technology and suddenly you turn him into a common hit man. (killer)
How fucking dare you. I trusted you with my son.(相信你,才把兒子交給你)

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Charlie: Divorce is final. You are a free man.
Jack: I don't know if ... is the appropriate sentiment. Four years...woman I loved, I got my ass kicked.

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Clare: I can't believe that they're getting married. I mean don't you think that's really soon?
Father: Well, you know Goloria. She's impetuous. Has to bave what she wants when she wants it. Well, we had to give her a Sweet 16 on her 13th birthday. You remember that.

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Richard's uncle:That boy lives to play ball. Comes to school every day now. You take away basketball. God knows what he'd be into. Yesterday, you canceled the Fremont game. Now, that's the biggest game of the year. I have scouts(球探) coming to watch my boy play. These boys are 16-0. This whole school, this whole community, is behind this team.  Everybody goes to evey game. Basketball is the only thing that teses boys have got. Now, are we gonna let Carter come in here and take that away from them? I don't think so. I'd like to make a motion.(提議) we remove Mr. Carter as head basketball coach.
Chairman:This board does not bave the authority to terminate employment of a staff position.這個委員會對教職人員沒有兔其職位的權利。

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i thought i would find yu here. there is no need to do this dance.

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When can you look the turth of the dream?
When can you touch the truth of the love?

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{Lucy:...In fact, Adam didn't even come on to me...}其實,不是亞當先追我的…

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They say we are young and we don't know.

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遙斗: 啊!是兔子。(ㄨ紗ㄎ一)
圭輔: 不要追~兔子喜歡單獨行動。

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Paragraph I:

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